Wednesday 13 June 2018

Apache Nifi Installation on Ubuntu

Apache Nifi Installation on Ubuntu:
Step 1: Download from Apache Nifi website and extract Nifi package in desired directory

Apache Nifi website link to download :

There could be two distributions:

  1. ends with tar.gz - for Linux
  2. ends with zip - for Windows

Screenshot for reference:

Extract the distribution:

Command: tar -xvf /home/mano/Hadoop_setup/nifi-1.6.0-bin.tar.gz

Screenshot for reference:

Step 2: Configuration

NiFi provides several different configuration options which can be configured on file.

At present, i'm just making change to nifi.ui.banner.text property.

Step 3: Starting Apache Nifi:
On the terminal window,navigate to the Nifi directory and run the following below commands:

  • bin/ run - Lauches the applicaion run in  the foreground and exit by pressing Ctrl-c.
  • bin/ start - Lauches the application run the background.
  • bin/ status - To check the application status
  • bin/ stop - To shutdown the application

i)bin/ run:

ii) bin/ start:

iii) bin/ status:

iv)bin/ stop:

Step 4: Apache Nifi Web User Interface: 
After Apache Nifi Started, Web User Interface (UI) to create and monitor our dataflow.

To use Apache Nifi, open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/nifi

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